Uplevel your consistency and finally do what you say you are going to do in every area of your life

Maybe you've been feeling a little like this...

> I feel stuck, my life feels stagnant, and I don’t know how to change it.

> I feel burned out, I want to take better care of myself, but I don’t know how.

> I feel exhausted and unmotivated. I want to have more energy and move my body regularly, but I don’t make it a priority.

> I feel sluggish, I want to eat healthier, but I have a hard time doing it consistently.

> I feel scared and ashamed. I want to drink less (or quit altogether), but I don’t know how.

> I feel overwhelmed in my business and my life, and I don’t even know where to start.

> I feel isolated and alone, I’ve gotten so comfortable in my post-Covid bubble, I don’t even know how or where to meet like-minded people anymore.

Imagine instead you could feel like this...

> I know my needs and priorities, communicate them to others, and don't feel guilty about putting myself first.
> I live fully from my values and do what I say I'm going to do.

> I am confident in my abilities, know my worth and my value, and stand up for myself.

> I can't believe it, I'm able to accomplish more in less time. The overwhelm is gone, and it's been replaced with clarity, consistent action, and real results.

> I feel so connected to these women and this community. It is the best thing that's happened to me in a long time. I just show up as myself and feel completely accepted, supported, and valued.

> But most importantly, I show up for myself, which means I can better show up for others.

Included in this special limited time offer:

System & Structure

To keep you on track and plugged in.

  • DIY Weekly Practice (Sunday Centering)
  • Weekly 1-Hour Virtual Group Checkin (Monday Zoom Zoom)
  • Goal/Progress Tracking System

Safe Space

To hold you and keep you feeling safe and secure.

  • Private MeWe Group (safe Facebook Alternative)
  • You are totally encouraged to show up as you are (no need to put on makeup or pants) 
  • This community is based on the values of integrity, authenticity, inclusivity, connectedness, and growth. Comparison and perfectionism are highly discouraged.

To keep you accountable to yourself and others.

  • Commitment Sisters (accountability buddy duo or triad)
  • Recommended Weekly Meeting
  • Goal/Progress Tracking System
  • Sharing what you're up to in the private group is also encouraged so we can cheer you on, celebrate you, and ask you about your progress.


To keep you connected, cherished, and celebrated.

  • Build each other up, collaborate, witness, share real life struggles, and celebrate each other’s wins
  • Stay connected with your sisters, know that people have your back, and feel less alone on this journey of life!


To keep you learning and growing.

  • Monthly Theme (Keys to the Queendom)
  • Monthly Workshop (Video or Live) 
  • Monthly Journal Prompts to contemplate your life
  • Weekly Divination (Tarot or Oracle Card Guidance)
  • Weekly Song recommendation for inspiration and support


To keep you challenged, upleveling, and winning.

  • Monthly Drawing - 1 lucky member gets a 60-minute one-on-one with Ivy (could be for coaching, tarot reading, eft/tapping, reiki or more)
  • The private group is a place to promote all of your business offers (when one of us wins, we all win)

Hey girlfriend. I'm Ivy!

I’m a Self-Love and Light Whisper (aka Life Coach). 2022 for me was all about learning to lean into my natural abilities and creative flow. After a lifetime of struggle and overworking, I’m all about the flow and the ease. This beautiful Elevate! Sisterhood community has been created especially for like-minded seekers and healers looking to up their commitment to themselves and their lives, with my flow and ease in mind. My strengths as a connector, achiever, relator, motivator, and mentor combined with my natural ability to create structure and systems, break down tasks, make a plan, hold people accountable, and build community makes it an easy no-brainer for me. It combines everything I love -- gooey self growth work, deep meaningful human connections, loving and celebrating ourselves, and fully supporting each other.

I have been using the same system and showing up for myself in this way, consistently for more than two years, and I know for a fact that it works. The most common complaint I hear from my coaching clients is, “I want to do ____, but I just don’t do it, or do it consistently.” This group was created to change that for you. And I’m ready to share my easy, enjoyable, and foolproof system with a select and kickass group of women who are ready to step more fully into their power. And I will use my coaching prowess, all of my tools, and everything I’ve learned along the way to help get you dialed into your values, your clarity, and your priorities so that you can consistently show up for yourself and create the life of your dreams.

My vision for this community is that it continues to grow according to the needs and desires of it’s members. You get to help me create this beautiful container and community and make sure that it has the most value for you. I have many ideas for add-ons, like quarterly planning, monthly meditations, rituals, or recommended resources. And regardless of what we add to this already incredibly valuable offering, your annual or monthly payment amount will be locked or ‘grandmothered in’ for as long as you stay in the community. How cool is that?

What Others Have to Say

Ivy lovingly kept me accountable for my own progress, focusing on whole life integration in addition to targeting specific outcomes.

One of my biggest takeaways from my time with her is to have the courage to be fully authentic and vulnerable with my partner and to have the hard conversations.

I tell people, I have a coach and she's awesome. She holds me to my commitments.


Having something weekly to focus on was good. Building habits takes work, coaching, and patience. Overall, it reminded me of the importance of self-focus, self-reflection and self-care. 


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You May Still Have Some Questions...

I’m a little skittish about joining a women’s group. I have worked with women before that have been extremely competitive and judgemental. They were the opposite of warm and welcoming, and they made me feel bad. I will do everything in my power to make sure that never happens here. This is meant to be a safe space for everyone, where we get to show up in our full expressions and with all of our beautiful imperfections. If I hear of any cattiness, negativity, or poor treatment happening, I will address it directly by talking to the parties involved and ask them to leave, if necessary. It is my wish that any sister wounds you might have from past experiences actually get healed here. That is what I stand for and that is what I am intending to build.

I have some travel plans coming up, so I may have to miss a week or two of the Monday meetings. That is totally ok. All meetings will be recorded. And you are encouraged to still plug into the system even if you have to miss a meeting.

What if something unexpected happens and I have to withdraw my membership in the middle of the year? If you are a monthly member, please just communicate with me to let me know what is going on. And if you are an annual member, I will look at any unexpected events on a case-by-case basis.